ReUpload lagi2....sambil nunggu Maen DN aja dolo hahahahaha.... ^^

06 April 2011

Ultimate Knight WindomXP + PowerUp Kit + Save Game + Full Moding mecha

Minimum System Requirements :
* Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
* 64 MB DirectX 9.0c
* Intel Pentium 4 1.4 GHz or higher processor
* 512 MB of available system memory (1 GB for Vista)
* 550 MB of available hard drive space
* Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or better
* .NET Framework 2.0 or greater.

Satu game lg yang menurut ku lumayan bagus nih coba, kayak mecha gitu!! coba dan rasakan.
udah saya coba dan bekerja dengan baik di 7, maenya mirip2 gundam warior yang di Ps2 gitu tapi pantas dicoba!!


|-------------------------------------[Download Link]-------------------------------------------|

Ultimate Knight WindomXP + PowerUp Kit .Part 1
Ultimate Knight WindomXP + PowerUp Kit .Part 2
|--------------------------------------[Save Game]----------------------------------------------|

|-----------------------------------------[Moding Gundam 00]----------------------------------|

--[Note: There's an unencrypted file in the Arche Gundam I forgot to encrypt, download this file and replace it with the one that comes with the Arche Gundam:download fix Gundam 00 moding]

|-------------------------------------[Moding Cosmic Era]------------------------------------|

|-----------------------------------[Moding Universal Century]--------------------------------|

|-----------------------------------[Moding After Colony]--------------------------------|

|-----------------------------------[Moding Others]-----------------------------------------|

Selamat menikmati


g3fla mengatakan...

gan... invalid link...
uploadin lagi dong... :D

Mablazt Community mengatakan...

iya nih kk banyak yg invalid nih,,,
tolong perbaiki'ya,,, XD

Anonim mengatakan...

Cara nambahin gundam MOD-nya gimana ya ma?